Blended learning, Learning autonomy, Learning outcomes, Problem-based learningAbstract
This study aimed to investigate the effect of problem-based blended learning and learning autonomy on students’ learning outcomes. A quantitative approach was adopted in the form of a quasi-experimental design in this study. Sixty students who took accounting classes were selected as a research sample by using a simple random technique. The data were gained through observations, surveys, and tests. The study instruments were observation sheets, questionnaires, and multiple-choice tests. The data were analyzed descriptively and inferentially with the assistance of SPSS 25. The findings revealed that; ; 1) there is a different learning outcome gained by the students taught with problem-based blended learning and the students taught with conventional learning, 2) there is an interactional effect between problem-based blended learning and learning autonomy on students’ learning outcomes, 3) students with high learning autonomy taught by the problem-based blended learning outperform students taught by the conventional method, 4) students with low learning autonomy taught by the conventional method outperform students taught by problem-based blended learning. Those findings implicate the implementation of problem-based blended learning in enhancing students’ learning outcomes through learning autonomy.
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