
  • Andrii Yablonskyi Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University Ukraine
  • Nataliia Melnyk National Aviation University Ukraine
  • Raisa Shulyhina National Pedagogical Dragomanov University Ukraine
  • Iryna Yengalycheva
  • Halyna Savluk


Palabras clave:

Motivational readiness, future teachers, readiness formation, professional activity, psychological and pedagogical conditions


The article is dedicated to the problem comparative analysis the motivational readiness formation of future teachers for professional activity in Ukrainian and European educational institutions. The analysis has shown similarities in theory of Ukrainian and Swedish scientific understanding are in the approaches: educational and professional dialogue stimulated independent thinking, created a space for communication, and activated the application of knowledge already acquired by students. The investigation demonstrated, that work in small groups, as well as the "brainstorming" method, which allowed to significantly increase the creative activity of students in a short time, proved to be effective. At the same time, it was noticed that it is not easy for students to depart from existing stereotypes in solving any problem and to offer a new, original solution that goes beyond the possible. In general, the “brainstorming” that was used in seminars, laboratory-practical classes included the following stages: preparatory – defining the conditions of group work (group rules and time budget), creating several groups of “idea generators” and groups of “experts”, formulating the problem to be solved; basic (“brainstorming”) – problem solving, maximum manifestation of creative possibilities, free expression of ideas, recording of all expressed ideas; revision - on the basis of defined criteria, "experts" chose the best ideas (up to 10 minutes); final – discussion of the work, substantiation and presentation of the best ideas, recommendation for their practical implementation. The participants of the "brainstorming" were placed in a circle in the auditorium. "Experts" were located outside the circle, monitored the work and recorded all statements based on the need to receive the largest number of ideas. The teacher managed the course of work, but did not exert any pressure on the participants. It was also distingiushe that the principle differences are in the practice of the motivational readiness formation of future teachers for professional activity in Ukrainian and European educational institutions: in European universities, these practices are more case oriented, investigations practices usage; on the contemporary in Ukraine – more pedagogical and theoretical practices are included.

Biografía del autor/a

Andrii Yablonskyi , Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University Ukraine

Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University, Ukraine

Nataliia Melnyk , National Aviation University Ukraine

National Aviation University, Ukraine

Raisa Shulyhina , National Pedagogical Dragomanov University Ukraine

National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Ukraine

Iryna Yengalycheva

Bohdan Khmelnytskyi Cherkasy National University, Ukraine

Halyna Savluk

National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Ukraine


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