

Palabras clave:

Laboratory activities, Integration, Teaching methods, Practicums, Higher education


The purpose of the academic paper is as follows. The formation of students’ experimental skills and research skills in the process of performing frontal laboratory works is one of the main factors in implementing the State Standard of Higher Education. However, a successful solution to this issue is possible only if there is a clear organization of laboratory work and an effective methodology for conducting it. It is obvious that using an independent experiment is extremely useful for students since it provides a systematic approach to implementing productive ways of cognition and forming the basis of learning activities in the process of performing frontal laboratory works. Thus, the main goal of the program is to prove that the development of laboratory skills will be facilitated by a new approach to organizing learning activities based on the simultaneous use of two textbooks: a textbook and a printed laboratory workbook. This research aims to study the features of laboratory practicums as the primary form of integration of students' theoretical and methodological knowledge and practical skills. The research was carried out using a set of complementary methods that ensured the effectiveness and scientific reliability of the research results, namely: theoretical – analysis, systematization and comparison of the provisions of scientific and pedagogical literature to reveal the state of the problem under consideration, to clarify the essence of reflecting and implementing educational technologies in the educational process; generalization and systematization – to substantiate the theoretical fundamentals of the research; pedagogical observation – to diagnose the level of future specialists’ training after a series of activities on the example of analyzing the algorithm of laboratory works. The paper proves that laboratory activities help students to master learning material better. In the process of performing laboratory and experimental works, formulas, calculations, and theoretical provisions that seemed incomprehensible become quite specific. At the same time, many details and facts are revealed that students had no idea about before, and meanwhile, they contribute to the identification and explanation of complex scientific issues. It is emphasized that due to the research nature of laboratory and practical work, students approach them with great interest, gain solid knowledge, are convinced of the reliability of the knowledge they have received, and acquire knowledge that has the power of conviction. It has been proven that the effectiveness of this type of work can be increased by providing informative cards. These include brief theoretical summaries that allow students to quickly find the necessary information (in the context of laboratory activities, this may include help on specific functions, algorithm fragments, structure blanks, and program templates), and clear work structuring. Formalizing the approach and breaking down the solution process into clear, discrete steps makes obtaining specific results quickly and predictably possible. In addition, having such a structure makes it easier for educators to monitor and track the progress of their work. After a long development, laboratory and practical classes have been continuously improved. Today, this form of organizing the educational process in high school is becoming a means of educating future experimentalists, who not only practically prove the probability of many bold hypotheses but also identify new ways of creative search. The efficiency of this type of work can be improved by providing work with informative cards. These are short theoretical summaries that allow students to quickly find the information they need (in terms of laboratory activities, there may be help on specific functions, algorithm fragments, structure blanks, and program templates) and clear structuring of the work. A formalized approach to the solution and the process breakdown into clear, discrete steps makes obtaining certain results quickly and predictably possible. In addition, such a structure makes it easier for educators to monitor and track the progress of their work.


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