

Palabras clave:

School burnout, high school students, secondary school students, performance


This review study is prompted by an assumption that secondary and high school pupils are more sensitive to school burnout. The objective of this paper is to evaluate burnout studies to determine the concept of school burnout as well as the elements that impact it. This review incorporates three years of studies on the link between school burnout and secondary and high school student performance as well as recognized cognitive and emotional factors that account for this association. Previous reviews have found moderate correlations between these variables; however, few have discussed the mediating and moderating factors that influence this connection. Systematic searches of psychiatric, educational, and pertinent internet sources were done in December 2022 for research studying school burnout and performance in secondary and high school demographics released between 2019 and 2022. Thirty-eight papers were eligible. The findings from the review of these studies revealed that school burnout was modestly connected to performance. In addition, several mediating and moderating variables, such as emotional tiredness, academic pressure, and family participation, were discovered. However, due to the lack of longitudinal studies analyzed, additional research into how these variables interact over time is required to prove causality and discover the dynamic connection between school burnout, performance, and the motivational and cognitive factors that influence it.


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