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Employability, Professional Skills, Personal Qualities, Job-Seeking SkillsResumen
This research aims to identify the effect of professional skills and personal qualities on employability with job-seeking skills as a moderating variable. This research used the SEM-PLS method involving 242 students in Bali. The results of data analysis showed 1) there is no effect of professional skills (X1) on employability (Y2), 2) there is an effect of personal qualities (X2) on employability (Y2), 3) there is an effect of professional skills (X1) on job-seeking skills ( Y1), 4) the effect of personal qualities (X2) on job-seeking skills (Y1), 5) the existence of job-seeking skills (X2) on employability (Y2), 6) the significant simultaneous effect of professional skills (X1) and job-seeking skills (X2), 7) there is a significant simultaneous effect of personal quality (X2) and job-seeking skills (Y1) on employability (Y2). The results of this research illustrate that employability is greatly affected by personal quality. Therefore, vocational programs at the tertiary level need to integrate personal quality values such as integrity and initiative in the teaching and learning process.
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