Bibliometric analysis of knowledge intensive business services


  • Ronnie Figueiredo University Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD)
  • João Ferreira University of Beira Interior (UBI)
  • Carla Susana Marques University Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD)
  • Julio Vieira Neto Universidade Federal Fluminense, RJ.


Palabras clave:

KIBS. Innovation. Knowledge. Bibliometrics. Business.


Análise bibliométrica de negócios com uso intensivo de conhecimento


The purpose of this exploratory and qualitative approach study is to promote an overall review of the literature in Scopus and Web of Science international indexed databases, and in the National one SciELO, on the theme of KIBS - Knowledge Intensive Business Services in order to understand how it has been approached by scientific researchers in the last 15 years. To do so, 299 articles were identified through a bibliometric analysis. The results of the research, generated from the most prestigious and most recent papers, show a tendency to analyze KIBS in their functions and roles with the largest concentration being from the international publications in the English language. A strong synergy between the Scopus and Web of Science indexed databases can also be perceived. This situation found should provide a basis to expand the future investigation in other directions on the same theme of KIBS.

Keywords: KIBS. Innovation. Knowledge. Bibliometric. Business.


A abordagem exploratória e qualitativa do estudo tem como finalidade promover uma revisão global da literatura, nas bases indexadas internacionais Scopus e Web of Science e nacional Scielo, sobre o tema KIBS – Knowledge Intensive Business Services, procurando entender como é abordado pelos investigadores científicos nos últimos 15 anos. Para isso, foram identificados 299 artigos por meio da análise bibliométrica. Os resultados da pesquisa, gerados a partir dos trabalhos de maior prestígio e mais recentes, apontam uma tendência em analisar KIBS nas suas funções e papéis, sendo a maior concentração das publicações internacionais no idioma inglês. Também é percebida uma forte sinergia entre as bases indexadas Scopus e Web of Science. Essa situação encontrada deverá permitir ampliar as futuras investigações em outras direções, na mesma temática, KIBS.

Palavras-chave: KIBS. Inovação. Conhecimento. Bibliometria. Negócios.

Biografía del autor/a

Ronnie Figueiredo, University Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD)

PhD student in Management from the University Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD) in Portugal. His research interests follow the lines of investigation in strategy, KIBS, and Innovation in Services. Currently he is finishing his doctoral thesis on the topic: "The role of IFES in the generation of KIBS in Brazil: contributions of EJs for innovation."

João Ferreira, University of Beira Interior (UBI)

Holds a PhD in Management from the University of Beira Interior (UBI) - Portugal. Associate Professor of the Department of Management, UBI. Coordinator of NECE - Business Sciences Research Unit. Chief editor of the magazine Int. J. of Management Science and Inf. Technology (IJMSIT) and editor of New Economics Papers - Corporate Strategy Economics (nep-cse) - REPEC

Carla Susana Marques, University Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD)

Holds a PhD in Management from the University Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro - UTAD in Portugal. Assistant Professor of the Department of Economics, Sociology, and Management. Coordinator of the research line 'Innovation, Organizations, and Markets' of the Transdisciplinary Studies Center for Development - CETRAD. Coordinator of the Courses in the area of Management (bachelor's, master's, and doctorate) at UTAD.

Julio Vieira Neto, Universidade Federal Fluminense, RJ.

Holds in Civil Engineering from the University Federal Fluminense – UFF; Professor of the Department of Accounting;Editor of the Journal Systems & Management.


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