The right to spiritual development and the overcoming of violence against children and adolescents.


  • Evaldo Luis Pauly Centro Universitário La Salle - Unilasalle Canoas, RS
  • Cristine Cristine Gabriela de Campos Flores Graduada em Pedagogia pelo Centro Universitário La Salle - Unilasalle - Canoas/RS



Spiritual Development, Religious Teaching, Violence, Resilience


This article is the partial result of the survey “The school moral formation as  a socio-analytic and political-pedagogical mediation among the public policies for childhood and adolescence”. Its objective is to question the right to the spiritual development foreseen by the Statute of Children and Adolescents. The methodology consists of the  contraposition, on one hand, of the spirituality with the violence that victimizes children and adolescents from the biblical traditions up to  the contemporary scientific research; on the other hand, the second part of the article defines spirituality as an intensifying force of resilience and thereby to conclude that spiritual development must be assured for children and adolescents through the pedagogical intervention and the scientific specialized knowledge, respectively, of the teachers and the researchers of  the Religious Education in the compulsory Basic Education.

Author Biographies

Evaldo Luis Pauly, Centro Universitário La Salle - Unilasalle Canoas, RS

Doutor em Educação pela UFRGS (2000). Coordenador do Programa de Pós Graduação em Educação do Centro Universitário La Salle – UNILASALLE de Canoas/RS. É pesquisador do CNPq. Email:

Cristine Cristine Gabriela de Campos Flores, Graduada em Pedagogia pelo Centro Universitário La Salle - Unilasalle - Canoas/RS

Bolsista de Apoio Técnico, nível médio do CNPq, no projeto de pesquisa desenvolvido pelo primeiro autor




