Continued formation and school supervision: amplifiyng possibilities


  • Paulo Soares Batista Escola Estadual "Professor Letro"



Continud education, Teachers, School supervisor


The continued formation is revealed as a proposed additional formation to that obtained in graduation. Such formation aims to assist teachers who encounter situations that challenge them and make them rethink the initial training they received. This fact leads them to seek help for an effective performance. Thus, this study aims to broaden the understanding of the process of continued education in schools, highlighting the role of the relationship between the school supervisor and a culture of collaboration among teachers, having as base of investigation the bibliographic research.  It is hoped that the study of this issue raises reflections about the role of the school supervisor as a partner of the teachers and organizer of their training in the context in which they operate.

Author Biography

Paulo Soares Batista, Escola Estadual "Professor Letro"

Possui Licenciatura em Matemática (2009) pela Faculdade Pereira de Freitas e Especialização Lato Sensu em Supervisão, Orientação e Inspeção Escolar (2012) pelo Instituto Superior Tupy. Trabalha desde 2008 como professor de Matemática na Escola Estadual Professor Letro , Antônio Dias, MG. Nesta instituição, atua na regência de turmas dos anos finais do Ensino Fundamental e Ensino Médio e colabora em intervenções pedagógicas para aprendizagem de Matemática.




