
  • Oleksandra Tsybanyuk Yuriy Fedkovych Chernsvtsi National University
  • Olena Mishkulynets Humanitarian and Pedagogical Faculty College of Mukachevo Sovereign University
  • Mariia Komisaryk Yuriy Fedkovych Chernsvtsi National University Ukraine
  • Kateryna Kuznietsova Yuriy Fedkovych Chernsvtsi National University Ukraine
  • Halyna Chuyko Yuriy Fedkovych Chernsvtsi National University Ukraine



Definition, physical education and sports, terminology, retrospective


The article is devoted to the analysis of the evolution of terminology in the field of physical education and sports in Romania. The author of the article examines the historical context of the changes that took place in the terminology from the time of the emergence of sports and physical culture to the present day. The article examines the factors that influenced changes in terminology in Romania, including political, cultural, and economic factors. The analysis of global trends in the development of society and the influence of social transformations on the development of physical culture and sports was carried out. As a result of the analysis and carrying out structuring through the analysis of hierarchies, the historical periods of the development of society and their influence on the formation of terms in the system of physical culture and sports were determined. The results of the analysis made it possible to determine the directions for the development of terminological concepts. Modeling of influencing factors on the processes of development of physical culture and sports was carried out, because of which proposals were formed regarding possible prospects for the development of the field. The factor model was determined as adequate and relevant by conducting a sociological survey and confirming the relevance of the factors, which was proven by calculating the correlation coefficient of the analyzed indicators. The author also investigates the influence of foreign languages on the terminology of the field of physical education and sports in Romania. The article describes in detail the processes that took place with the terminology, including the Western European and American influence on the Romanian terminology, as well as the changes related to the political and social transformations in Romania in the last century. The conclusions of the article make it clear that the terminology in the field of physical education and sports in Romania arose and developed under the influence of various factors, which allowed it to adapt to changes in the social, cultural, and political environment.

Author Biographies

Oleksandra Tsybanyuk, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernsvtsi National University

Yuriy Fedkovych Chernsvtsi National University, Ukraine

Olena Mishkulynets, Humanitarian and Pedagogical Faculty College of Mukachevo Sovereign University

Humanitarian and Pedagogical Faculty College of Mukachevo Sovereign University


Mariia Komisaryk, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernsvtsi National University Ukraine

The article is devoted to the analysis of the evolution of terminology in the field of physical education and sports in Romania. The author of the article examines the historical context of the changes that took place in the terminology from the time of the emergence of sports and physical culture to the present day. The article examines the factors that influenced changes in terminology in Romania, including political, cultural, and economic factors. The analysis of global trends in the development of society and the influence of social transformations on the development of physical culture and sports was carried out. As a result of the analysis and carrying out structuring through the analysis of hierarchies, the historical periods of the development of society and their influence on the formation of terms in the system of physical culture and sports were determined. The results of the analysis made it possible to determine the directions for the development of terminological concepts. Modeling of influencing factors on the processes of development of physical culture and sports was carried out, because of which proposals were formed regarding possible prospects for the development of the field. The factor model was determined as adequate and relevant by conducting a sociological survey and confirming the relevance of the factors, which was proven by calculating the correlation coefficient of the analyzed indicators. The author also investigates the influence of foreign languages on the terminology of the field of physical education and sports in Romania. The article describes in detail the processes that took place with the terminology, including the Western European and American influence on the Romanian terminology, as well as the changes related to the political and social transformations in Romania in the last century. The conclusions of the article make it clear that the terminology in the field of physical education and sports in Romania arose and developed under the influence of various factors, which allowed it to adapt to changes in the social, cultural, and political environment.

Kateryna Kuznietsova, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernsvtsi National University Ukraine

Yuriy Fedkovych Chernsvtsi National University


Halyna Chuyko, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernsvtsi National University Ukraine

Yuriy Fedkovych Chernsvtsi National University, Ukraine


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