Job motivation. Factor analysis. EFA. Employees. Mekong Delta.Abstract
The Mekong Delta is identified as one of the areas with low levels of education in Vietnam. In addition to the system of public universities, private universities are increasingly developing and making a significant contribution to improving the level of education in this area. The purpose of this study is to identify the factors influencing the work motivation of employees at non-public universities in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta. Data for the study came from 450 employees at five private universities in the Mekong Delta. The research was carried out in two stages: qualitative research and quantitative research. Additionally, the authors' choice of data analysis techniques included (1) evaluating the Cronbach's Alpha scale's reliability; (2) conducting an exploratory component analysis; and (3) performing a linear regression analysis. The study's findings demonstrated the wide range of factors that affect the job motivation of employees at five non-public universities in the Mekong Delta. The working environment was the most important factor, with a standardized beta regression coefficient of 0.282; welfare, regime, and policy came in second with an impact of 0.280; leadership style came in third with an impact of 0.212; training and promotion, and salary and bonus had an impact of 0.166 and 0.149, respectively. The author offers some suggestions to improve the job motivation of employees in Mekong Delta non-public universities based on the findings of this study.
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