Emerging model; Painting teaching; Unconventional materialsAbstract
The purpose of this research, within the framework of the model, is to promote the use of unconventional materials in the teaching of painting as a strategy for the transformation of training practice in the workshops of art schools at universities. Theoretically, it was based on Fereiro and Calderón (2005), Frega (2009), Marchán (2012) and Bellido (2015), among others. In turn, it was supported by relevant methodological procedures, such as a type of purposeful research, with a qualitative methodological approach, taking into account documentary analysis units, texts, articles, among others. Among some contributions, the emerging model constitutes a tool that promotes creativity and experimentation with unconventional materials. It is concluded that the strategies on the part of the teacher are the fundamental key to the stimulation, motivation and development of the creative potential of the student.
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