


Personal Finances, Digital Media, Digital Influencers


Due to the emergence of new alternatives to learning in Personal Finance through digital media, dominated by digital influencers, it was noticed a need to assess the impact they are having on their audience. In this context, this paper had the objective to verify the collaboration of the media and the digital influencers for the knowledge of the personal finances and its application on the undergraduates. Through an online survey, a total of 167 valid answers were obtained and enabled an analysis of key points of the subject. The data allowed to identify that 94.61% of the undergraduates have interest in acquiring more knowledge about the subject and that 63,74% of the undergraduates who make investments have had some impact from the digital influencers of personal finance. Whereas, the most remembered and followed influencers, Nathalia Arcuri is the most relevant influencer, being remembered by 50.90%, followed by Thiago Nigro with 38.32% and Gustavo Cerbasi with 26.95%. However, regarding investment recommendations by digital influencers, 57.14% say they only opt for their own studies and 39.56% say they carry out their own studies and also follow the recommendation. Showing the impact that digital influencers can have on the choices of university students, while highlighting the crucial role of financial education in the development of financial citizenship.


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