
  • Yanina Vovk Ukrainian State Drahomanov University Ukraine
  • Tetiana Ponomarenko Separate Structural Subdivision of Higher Education Institution "Open International University of Human Development "Ukraine" Bila Tserkva Institute of Economics and Management



Palabras clave:

Distance learning, Retractions period, Attitude, Information and communication competence, University teachers, Future psychologists


In the developed countries of the world, IC-competence of higher education teachers has reached a high level. However, the level of IC-competence of teachers to teach higher education applicants for less developed countries, including Ukraine, is not high enough. There are many obstacles to the realization of distance learning. Therefore, the purpose of the study was the experimental determination of the levels of IC-competence and attitude of teachers of Ukrainian higher education to the introduction of ICT in the process of distance learning of future psychologists of during the COVID-19, as well as the main obstacles to the implementation of this process from the standpoint of teachers. The study, which was conducted online during the COVID-19 pandemic, was attended by 147 teachers of higher education institutions from different regions of Ukraine (84 – at the beginning of the pandemic and 63 – 2 years from its beginning). The data obtained were analyzed with SPSS 20. It was found that within two years of distance learning, the number of teachers with high and medium levels of IC-competence increased and decreased with low ones. The number of teachers with a positive and negative and ambivalent attitude towards the use of ICT in training future psychologists increased statistically significantly. A strong and direct link between IC-competence levels and teachers’ attitude to the use of ICT in the process of remote training of future psychologists is determined. From the standpoint of teachers, the main obstacles to the realization of distance learning of future psychologists are: lack of proper technical support, low level of IC-competence of teachers and students, unwillingness of teachers to use ICT, low level of cognitive activity of students. Teachers believe that to overcome these obstacles requires proper technical support, a high level of teachers’ motivation and a separate quality online platform for higher education. Therefore, we can conclude that strategies and incentives to increase the level of IC-competence and motivation of teachers, as well as providing ICT institutions of higher education institutions.

Biografía del autor/a

Yanina Vovk, Ukrainian State Drahomanov University Ukraine

Ukrainian State Drahomanov University


Tetiana Ponomarenko, Separate Structural Subdivision of Higher Education Institution "Open International University of Human Development "Ukraine" Bila Tserkva Institute of Economics and Management

Separate Structural Subdivision of Higher Education Institution "Open International University of Human Development "Ukraine" Bila Tserkva Institute of Economics and Management


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