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Turkish as a Foreign Language, Erasmus student exchange program, Museum Education, Creative Drama, Turkish EducationResumen
Qualitative research approach was adopted in this study, which was carried out in order to determine the views of higher education students within the scope of the Erasmus exchange program on Turkish learning comparatively according to the teaching method. The research data were collected through semi-structured interviews from 20 Erasmus exchange program students studying at a state university in the fall semester of the 2023-2024 academic year, which was determined through criterion sampling, one of the purposive sampling methods, and descriptive analysis technique was used to analyze the data. As a result of the research, it is clearly seen that the courses carried out by the exchange program students through creative drama in the museum contribute to the Turkish learning process, cultural awareness and comparisons with previous courses. Student views support the role of creative drama methods in improving language skills, acquiring cultural knowledge, and making the learning process more effective and enjoyable. In addition to supporting the language learning process, creative drama methods also play an important role in increasing cultural awareness and knowledge. These findings show that creative drama methods can be used as a powerful and effective tool in language education and cultural learning processes in the museum.
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