


auditorium, teacher, design, higher education institution, HEI


The article focuses on elucidating the distinctive aspects of designing the environment within educational institutions. It identifies the typical characteristics of design found in domestic higher education institutions, encompassing architectural solutions and functional concepts, as well as principles governing the division of educational spaces and zones. The article also examines the influence of classroom design on academic performance effectiveness. Notable illustrations of contemporary design within the educational environment of Ukrainian higher education institutions are presented. Additionally, the article explores design and architectural solutions employed in educational institutions abroad. Furthermore, the article puts forth original approaches toward shaping a modern design framework for educational institutions' environments. This research aims to uncover the specific characteristics associated with the design of educational institution environments. The object of investigation is the educational institution itself, viewed as a subject for design and architectural solutions. Research methods. The research employed various methods including description, analysis and synthesis, comparison, generalization, and modeling. The article delves into the distinct features associated with the design of educational institution environments. It identifies the defining characteristics of design within Ukrainian higher education institutions, explores the rationale behind such design approaches, and examines the evolution of design in the modern era. The study establishes the key aspects related to the design of specific educational spaces such as study rooms, lecture halls, specialized discipline offices, and computer rooms within Ukrainian higher education institutions (hereinafter HEIs). Additionally, recreational areas are characterized as a unique type of educational space, providing students with an opportunity to rest during breaks and prepare for upcoming classes. The study presents an analysis of the merits and drawbacks of the design of educational environments in contemporary domestic higher education institutions. It discerns the distinctive attributes within each category and assesses their influence on students' academic performance. Moreover, the study emphasizes the emerging trends that should be pursued in the development of modern HEIs design. The article uncovers the distinctive characteristics of designing educational institutions both in Ukraine and abroad. It emphasizes the particulars of designing lecture halls, study rooms, specialized rooms, and laboratories. Building upon the obtained results, this research develops approaches and principles for shaping the design of educational institution environments in Ukraine.


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