

Palabras clave:

Communication, Educator Accomplishment, Migrant Learners, Schoolings


The purpose of this research is to examine how the communication model used in primary schools affects the academic performance of migrant students from Syria, as perceived by both teachers and students. The study aims to determine whether the communication model has positive or negative effects on the academic success of these students. Thus, the case study approach, a qualitative research methodology, was deemed favorable. The major subjects of this study are Syrian refugees now enrolled in elementary schools in the Turkish cities of Gaziantep as well as Hatay, as well as the instructors who instruct these pupils. Twenty-two Syrian refugee pupils and fifteen of their teachers were interviewed using a semi-structured form to collect their perspectives. NVivo R1 was used to do the analysis on the data collected during the semi-structured interview. The research findings indicate that the lack of proficiency in Turkish language had a detrimental impact on the academic performance of the students. The imperative for school stakeholders to address the communication challenges faced by immigrant students necessitates a collaborative approach. The lecturer adeptness in communication and their preparedness in handling immigrant students facilitate their ability to effectively address any challenges that may arise within the educational institutions they serve. The positive impact of this will be reflected in the accomplishment of two educators as well as learners.


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