DOI: clave:
education, higher education, European integration, educational environmentResumen
The article examines the problems and prospects of the accreditation system as a tool for ensuring the quality of higher education in Ukraine. The state and peculiarities of integration of the Ukrainian accreditation system into the European context are investigated. The purpose of this study is to analyse the accreditation system of higher education in Ukraine and to study its impact on ensuring the quality of education in accordance with European standards. The emphasis is placed on analysing the theoretical and practical aspects of accreditation in Ukraine, identifying problems and opportunities for further improvement. The study uses general scientific methods. The method of documentary analysis was also used. The article examines topical issues related to the accreditation system of higher education in Ukraine, in particular the factors that affect its effectiveness and compliance with European standards. The analysis of the state of integration of the Ukrainian accreditation system into the European dimension has revealed key challenges and prospects. The theoretical aspect of the study highlights the conceptual foundations of accreditation, its goals, and impact on the quality of education. The practical analysis revealed problems such as the lack of a unified assessment methodology and insufficient coordination between accreditation bodies. The results of the study can serve as a basis for developing specific strategies and recommendations to improve the effectiveness of accreditation and maintain higher quality standards in Ukrainian higher education. The article emphasises that accreditation is an important tool for monitoring and ensuring the quality of higher education in Ukraine. It serves not only as a mechanism for determining the compliance of higher education institutions with the established standards but also guarantees a high standard of education and compliance with academic standards. Recommendations for improving the quality of higher education in Ukraine are proposed, taking into account the European experience in the field of accreditation. The study emphasises the importance of affinity with European models and the need for active cooperation to ensure a high standard of quality of higher education in Ukraine.
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Derechos de autor 2024 Lyudmyla Mykhailova, Tatiana Rysynets, Iryna Rodionova, Viktor Syrmamiikh, Olha Merdova
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