

Palabras clave:

Northern Cyprus, Teaching, School administrator, Teaching methods, Case Study


The main objective of this research is to determine the suitability of the teaching methods used in accordance with contemporary conditions, ensure their proper implementation, and aim to create a positive impact on students. A qualitative research model was implemented in the study. Among the qualitative research approaches, the semi structured interview method was applied. In the research, purposive sampling was used as a type of sampling method, specifically snow ball-sampling. A semi-structured interview form was developed by the researcher for the study. The collected data were analyzed to reach the results. According to the obtained data, the secondary education institutions in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (KKTC) suffer from a lack of technological infrastructure and physical inadequacies. Results show that school administrators have expressed the view that the underlying causes of the problems lie in the lack of infrastructure, overcrowded classrooms, and insufficient physical facilities.

Biografía del autor/a

Sonay Dericioğlu, The University of Mediterranean Karpasia, Faculty of Education, Ecvet Yusuf Cad, Lefkoşa, Nicosia, Cyprus.

The University of Mediterranean Karpasia, Faculty of Education, Ecvet Yusuf Cad, Lefkoşa, Nicosia, Cyprus.

Hakan Topal, The University of Mediterranean Karpasia, Faculty of Education, Ecvet Yusuf Cad, Lefkoşa, Nicosia, Cyprus.

The University of Mediterranean Karpasia, Faculty of Education, Ecvet Yusuf Cad, Lefkoşa, Nicosia, Cyprus.

Behcet Öznacar , Near East University, Atatürk Faculty of Education, Yakındoğu Blv, Lefkoşa, Nicosia, Cyprus.

Near East University, Atatürk Faculty of Education, Yakındoğu Blv, Lefkoşa, Nicosia, Cyprus.


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