Education. Planetary decoloniality. Dialogic. Complexity. Dialectical.Abstract
As a complex objective of the present transmethodical investigation, we analyze some essentialities of the Complex Planetary Decolonial Education and its assumption with the principle of dialogical-dialectical dialogue; we emphasize the bonanzas of ecosophy and diatopia in education. We carry out the inquiry with comprehensive, ecosophical and diatopic hermeneutics as a transmethod; in analytical, empirical and purposeful moments. Being the human being: nature-body-mind-soul-spirit-God, colonial education is reductionist and neutral in the life of the human being, its significance; instead of evolving into a substantive prosperity that educating regarding the conception of the human being has regressed. In the propositive moments we conclude with the author's hermeneusis: Transform relations of authoritarianism and through planetary decoloniality, demystify the power of Eurocentric knowledge and start a dialogue with everyone in equal degree of importance, with knowledge - execrated knowledge. We want to emphasize the dialogue of urgent knowledge to converge in more complexity, in ascending more and more to an unfinished although more complete knowledge. In which the autochthonous, ancestral roots become more complex with the decolonized, transdisciplinary sciences to think of an exercise of being able to do, live, dream, be happy, show solidarity; while knowing moves towards the students stripped of the authoritarianism that has been imposed. The land and its safeguard is the central axis, life itself; and with this understand: What is life on the planet? Christian essentials in the transcendence and complexity of the human being are vital in education.
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