

Palabras clave:

Northern Cyprus, STEM Education, Student opinions, Case Study


The main aim of this research is to determine the opinions of secondary school students in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus after the STEM Education Course. A qualitative research model was applied in the study. The study group of the current research consisted of a total of 20 secondary school students aged 12 years.A semi-structured interview form was used as the data collection tool. The obtained data were categorized into themes and interpreted. The NVIVO-12 program was used to  analyze the data and model the resulting situation. The findings obtained as a result of the research were discussed with the relevant literature. According to the data, as a result of the research were discussed with the relevant literature. As a result of the analyzes, it was concluded that after the STEM education course, the students developed their skills, that they should be given in their schools and that it benefited them. In line with the results obtained, suggestions were made on STEM applications.

Biografía del autor/a

Sonay Dericioğlu, The University of Mediterranean Karpasia, Faculty of Education, Ecvet Yusuf Cad, Lefkoşa, Nicosia, Cyprus

The University of Mediterranean Karpasia, Faculty of Education, Ecvet Yusuf Cad, Lefkoşa, Nicosia, Cyprus

Behcet Öznacar, Near East University, Atatürk Faculty of Education, Yakındoğu Blv, Lefkoşa, Nicosia, Cyprus

Near East University, Atatürk Faculty of Education, Yakındoğu Blv, Lefkoşa, Nicosia, Cyprus


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