DOI: clave:
English language teachers, burnout, emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, reduced personal accomplishment, general secondary school, war timeResumen
This research represents a continuation of previous research focusing on the professional burnout experienced by general secondary English teachers in emergency situations. Through the implementation of the Maslach Burnout Inventory, empirical data were collected from a sample of 70 female English language teachers working in general secondary schools in Ukraine. The results revealed notable patterns in the components of professional burnout, including emotional exhaustion, depersonalization of personality, and reduction of professional achievements. Specifically, teachers’ significant proportion reported experiencing high to medium levels of emotional exhaustion, medium to low levels of depersonalization, and medium to low levels of reduction in professional achievements amidst the backdrop of war. Conversely, teachers’ minority reported low-level emotional exhaustion but high-level reduction in professional achievements and depersonalization. Statistical analysis indicated significant differences in emotional exhaustion (medium level), depersonalization of personality (high and low levels), and reduction of professional achievements (high level) between prewar and wartime contexts. However, no significant correlation was found between professional experience and professional burnout among female English language teachers. The implications of these empirical findings are discussed in relation to existing literature on the professional burnout experienced by English language teachers in general secondary schools, with emphasis placed on both theoretical considerations and practical implications.
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Derechos de autor 2024 Tetiana Ponomarenko, Liubov Spivak, Olena Khomchuk , Iryna Tsypnniatova

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