Acesso à justiça em tempos de pandemia: a experiência do Núcleo Permanente de Métodos Consensuais de Tratamento de Conflitos do TJRJ
, Acess to justice. Conflict treatment. NUPEMEC. TJRJ.Abstract
With the advent of the pandemic and the consequent measures and health protocols adopted for the protection of the population, the entire justice system, which had been advancing over the years in the implementation of measures to break the barriers of access to justice, was strongly impacted, as it is clear from the CNJ Report Justice in Numbers 2021 and the statistics of NUPEMEC TJRJ. The present study intends to contribute to the analysis of the Report and the data from NUPEMEC TJRJ by demonstrating the rapid adequacy of the judiciary's activities through the implementation of remote work and the availability of a videoconferencing platform to hold hearings and mediation/conciliation sessions. At the same time, it reflects on the limits of access to justice in times of pandemic due to inequalities and restrictions of use and access to technological means for online resolution of controversies (ODR).Downloads
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