Frontiers of recognition: educating oneself as an foreigner from the perspective of Paul Ricoeur
Paul Ricoeur, Greeks x barbarians antithesis, Foreigner, Alterity, XenophobiaAbstract
This articles aims at analyzing the foreigner’s condition, according to Paul Ricoeur’s philosophical view concerning the constitution of a capable subject and the concept of recognition. The theoretical reference of this research contributes to prove that historically the foreigner is exposed to several types of social and political exclusion, expressed by the Greek x Barbarians antithesis, which is still persistent in people’s minds. The educational programme of subjectivities narrative construction related to the recognition of the other favors the elimination of discrimination against foreigners and guarantees their rights. It is an attempt to expand the boundaries of recognition and to discuss the conceptual fields relevant for the development of a feeling of justice that pervades the debate on our civilization.
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