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Revista Eletrônica Direito e Sociedade
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Vol. 6 No. 2 (2018)
Vol. 6 No. 2 (2018)
Presentation / Editorial
p. 01-06
PDF (Português (Brasil))
May tomorrow not delay and come soon
p. 07-10
PDF (Português (Brasil))
Roman Juspublicism’s validity for a new Latin American Century
Alie Pérez, Olga Lisbeth Crespo
p. 11-22
PDF (Español (España))
The expropriation of conflict in penal historiography
Andre Ribeiro Giamberardino
p. 23-39
PDF (Português (Brasil))
The Crisis of Criminal Legality and the Role of the Superior Court of Justice in the Interpretation of Criminal Types
Bruno Queiroz Oliveira, Nestor Eduardo Santiago
p. 41-55
PDF (Português (Brasil))
Restriction on freedom of speech and right to information in the information society: WhatsApp applicative services case
Caio Sperandéo de Macedo, Juliana Cardoso Ribeiro Bastos, Ricardo Cotrim Chaccur
p. 57-67
PDF (Português (Brasil))
The qualified performance of the consumer protection associations as an expression of a deliberative democracy: mapping of the judicial and extrajudicial performance in the scope of the state of Pará
Dennis Verbicaro, Emanuelle Dias Costa
p. 69-86
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Male domination and the sexual division of work: perpetuation of symbolic violence in the face of brazilian women in the public spaces
Eloy Pereira Lemos Junior, Leandra Chaves Tiago
p. 87-106
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Forced sterilization, Legal Capacity and the Janaina Case: “you don’t help a bird to fly by holding onto its wings”
Gabriel Schulman
p. 107-123
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The social function in the brazilian experience and its impact on the re-signification of contratual freedom in the 30 years of the 88 Constitution
Gustavo Henrique Baptista Andrade, Marcos Augusto de Albuquerque Ehrhardt Júnior
p. 125-136
PDF (Português (Brasil))
The environmental licensing brazilian and possibilities of popular participation
Linara Oeiras Assunção
p. 137-157
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From multiculturalism to interculturalism: failure or improvement
Luís Antonio Zanotta Calçada, Bruno Heringer Júnior
p. 159-170
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Law and Food: some considerations on the role of food in family law and justice
Patrícia Branco
p. 171-186
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Brief analysis of the participation of cooperatives in room public policies in Brazil and Uruguay
Raquel Gomes Valadares
p. 187-202
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Shared sentence: relationships between imprisonment, family and human rights
Rebecka Wanderley Tannuss, Nelson Gomes de Sant'Ana Silva Junior, Isabel Maria Farias Fernandes de Oliveira
p. 203-218
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New family code of Slovenia (2017): procedural aspect
Suzana Kraljić, Vesna Rijavec
p. 219-233
Sustainable development and economic empowerment of women: reflections on the sexual division of labor and its repercussion on the effectiveness of the right to development
Veyzon Campos Muniz, Josiani da Silva Pospichil
p. 235-248
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Derecho a tener derechos
Bruno Henrique Caetano dos Santos, Thiago Soares Bispo
p. 249-253
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The consumed and consumerist life of the goods we are
Camila Belinaso Belinaso de Oliveira
p. 255-257
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Towards a critique of penal racial control: a reading of legal structures and legislative production in the history of Brazilian law
Tamires de Oliveira Garcia, Laís Gorski
p. 259-267
PDF (Português (Brasil))
Law in motion in perspective
The obligations and doctrine of substantial performance: the judgment of Special Appeal No. 1622555/MG by the STJ and the Impact on TJRS Decisions
Mariana Monteiro, Gabriela Daros Xavier, Fabiana Colombelli Candido
p. 269-276
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The tobacco industry and the damages that are not compensated by the Brazilian (in)justice
Dirceu Pereira Siqueira, Carlos Alexandre Moraes
p. 277-292
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Dissertations and Theses
Right to be forgotten and the Civil Rights Framework for the Internet: a study on regulatory proposals
Alexsandro da Silva Linck
p. 293
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Social movements and law: the contribution of Transnational Legal Activism and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights to the quilombola movement (2005-2017)
Marlise da Rosalva Luz
p. 295
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Right to information in the face of CRISPR/Cas9 gene drive biotechnology risks to genetic heritage in the Brazilian legal system.
Luan Christ Rodrigues
p. 297
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Guardianship of Diffuse Assets and Private Relations
Everilda Brandão Guilhermino
p. 299
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